
Our happy bubble from camping was burst yesterday. Someone broke into both our cars the other night. I am so angry about this for many reasons. I don't want to lock my car doors when my car is in my driveway and I am home. They stole Charlies' cell phone and MP3 player. Both of which will not be cheap to replace. The cop thinks it was some kids looking for phones and ipods because they left other things. Charlie's were not in plain view they were in the center console. My car was rumaged through and left messy but they only took my fm transmitter for my ipod. Thankful no windows were broken or other damage to the cars. They used the cell phone so we have some phone numbers to turn over to the police. I have no hope of getting the items back but I want these kids punished and that is not like me. On a the bright side Charlie will be getting some new toys.
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