Tribute to Maynard

We don't know the exact date but Maynard graced us with his presence four years ago this month. He is working my last nerve because he doesn't like outdoor restriction but I am glad he is mine. I realize he is smart enough to figure out how to get what he wants from me.
A little Maynard trivia:
first name was tigger
has a nose like a proffesional boxer
Foster used to carry him around in his mouth
Foster and Maynard sleep together
Maynard is the alpha male in our house despite our two large male dogs
likes ice
took ice out of tiger's mouth
a bit of a bully
make noises like chewbacca
chases pool balls
one day April will steal him
one cool cat

yes. it is true. i will steal him.
april, at 9:54 PM
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