After two weeks of illness it was time to re-enter the world outside my couch. We started slow having April, Herschel, EB over for Mario Golf and a movie. Saturday was rainy so we retreated back to our couch for most of the day. There was a trip to Lowe's for some day dreaming. But just as we were getting anxious we got a mario golf challenge text message from April (she may becoming addicted). I went from 1st place to last. Since it was getting late the debate over what to eat started. The choices were to get something delivered or go out. At last it was declared we would go out into the rain. After some groaning we made it to mellow mushroom. Good company, pretzels, pizzza, curly fries, and a couple of beers later we were happy. Just for the record Mickey's malt liquor is not so fine.
Malt = gross
beeza44, at 3:08 PM
what?! Mickey's is the *shit*! way better than Shlitz, Colt 45, Olde English 800 or other nastiness.
elrusoblanco, at 10:14 AM
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