Congrats The Hat!!

I had a fun and crazy weekend. It was great. We started the weekend with a CD swap. Thanks EB for setting it up and giving us a deadline (because I would have procrastinated for ever). The CD exchange is something I have always wanted to do and now I have some good music in my car.
Saturday at Sears
Group picture at Sears was hysterical. The hour + wait was worth the stares and confused staff. I am happy knowing that those employees will talk about this family portrait with the crazy head at all future work parties and maybe even in new employee training. Customer knows best even when they want to put a head in the center of the group. Thanks to the "family" for coming over to dinner after the picture. We love cooking for you guys. Thanks HusBand for the awesome food.
After missing several poker nights this was a great welcome back game. The shots started early and kept flowing. My brother joined in the poker game. I assure all of you he had fun but he does think we are crazy. He was glad that we quote still know how to have a good time. The Hat was the shot bully this time. Maybe this was a good strategy because she won POPS! Although I wanted to win I was happy to see another Lady take home POPS. I would like a prize for playing the most games without winning.
I am thinking of coming up with a hat or sash for the shot bully of the evening to wear. Since we have been taking turns bullying why not!
Sunday Lazy

After staying up till 5am Saturday it was nice to lay around A & C house and watch movies and some Gilmore girls.Thanks boys for getting peking.
Hey Erin,
I am glad you still like me. Have been worried that I lost my friends after that crazy night. Dinner was awesome. Thanks for feeding us!
the hat, at 5:00 PM
does reese want some mongolian chicken?
april, at 10:25 PM
yes yes she does
Schlenker Doodle, at 9:32 AM
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